The 13-Chakra System
Most energy systems can agree on 7 chakras. But have you heard of the ascended and expanded 13-chakra system? Most people as they continue their spiritual journey begin to tap into some of the expanded chakra aspects to more firmly ground them in these ascended aspects to prepare them more fully for their spiritual journey.
1. Earth Star Chakra
- Location: Below the feet, in the Earth
- Purpose: Connects us to Gaia (mother Earth), helps us to understand our spiritual mission and purpose.
-Learn more about the Earth Star Chakra
2. Root Chakra (Muladhara)
- Location: Base of the spine
- Purpose: Grounding, survival instincts, stability
3. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)
- Location: Lower abdomen, below the navel
- Purpose: Creativity, sexuality, emotional balance
4. Naval Chakra (Svadhisthana)
- Location: Above the sacral chakra, below the solar plexus
- Purpose: Connects us to our tribe and community in unconditional love
5. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
- Location: Upper abdomen, near the diaphragm
- Purpose: Personal power, self-esteem, willpower
6. Heart Chakra (Anahata)
- Location: Center of the chest
- Purpose: Love, compassion, emotional healing
7. Thymus Chakra or Higher Heart Chakra
- Location: Between Thoat and Heart, over the thymus or sternum
- Purpose: Healing, Spiritual awakening, and Higher consciousness
8. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
- Location: Throat area
- Purpose: Communication, self-expression, truth
9. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
- Location: Between the eyebrows
- Purpose: Intuition, insight, spiritual awareness
10. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
- Location: Top of the head
- Purpose: Connection to God, the Divine, Higher self, higher consciousness, spiritual enlightenment
11. Causal Chakra
- Location: Back of the head, slightly above the crown
- Purpose: Connects us to the Divine Feminine, higher intuition and connects us to the world of spirit
12. Soul Star Chakra
- Location: About 6 inches above the crown chakra
- Purpose: Contains the wisdom of our soul's journey, our spiritual gifts and spiritual accomplishments through all lifetimes
13. Stellar Gateway Chakra
- Location: About 12 inches above the crown chakra
- Purpose: Divine wisdom, cosmic consciousness, connection to the Universe and to our planets or stars of origin
Balancing and Harmonizing the Chakras
Maintaining harmony across all 13 chakras requires regular attention and alignment practices that work with the entire energy system. Here are some ways to ensure all the chakras remain open, balanced, and integrated:
• Ground Your Energy:
Anchor the expanded chakras into the physical body through grounding techniques. Visualization exercises, where you imagine roots extending from your Earth Star Chakra into the Earth’s core, can help stabilize and balance your system.
• Movement Practices:
Yoga, tai chi, and qigong incorporate physical movement with mindful breathwork to align energy flow throughout the body. Specific poses, such as Mountain Pose for grounding or Savasana for integration, can activate multiple chakras simultaneously.
• Sound Healing:
Use mantras, sound bowls, or binaural beats that resonate with specific chakra frequencies. For instance, 174 Hz supports grounding through the Earth Star Chakra, while 963 Hz helps activate the Stellar Gateway Chakra. Or Attend a Sound Bath!
• Crystals and Essential Oils:
Working with high-vibrational crystals (e.g., moldavite for the Stellar Gateway Chakra or hematite for the Earth Star Chakra) can help balance these energy centers. Pair them with essential oils like frankincense for spiritual connection or sandalwood for grounding.
• Receive Regular Reiki Sessions:
Reiki is a powerful way to harmonize the entire chakra system, including the expanded chakras. By receiving Reiki regularly, you can clear energetic blockages, promote balance, and amplify your connection to higher consciousness. Reiki helps anchor the energy of the upper chakras into the body while releasing stagnant energy from the lower chakras, ensuring a seamless flow of energy throughout your system. Learn more about Reiki. Take a Reiki Class!
By engaging in these practices consistently, you can support the activation and alignment of all 13 chakras, deepening your spiritual connection, enhancing well-being, and fostering personal transformation.
Check out each of the chakras in more detail and learn how to balance each with the links provided.
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