Reiki Therapy & Energywork
Welcome to Divine Spark's rejuvenating Reiki service, a holistic experience that harmonizes your mind, body, and spirit. Our skilled Reiki practitioners seamlessly combine the ancient art of Reiki with the transformative powers of Sound healing and Crystal therapy.​
What to Expect
Upon arrival, you'll be greeted by an atmosphere of tranquility, designed to help you unwind and let go of stress. As you settle in, your practitioner will guide you through the process, explaining how Reiki energy works to restore balance and promote natural healing.
The practitioner will discusses your personal goals and what you would like to focus on during the session. This could include mental, emotional, physical or spiritual goals. This way the session can be tailored to your unique needs.
During the Reiki session the practitioner uses gentle touch to channel universal life energy into your body. This promotes relaxation, reduces tension, and supports your body's natural healing abilities. The flow of Reiki energy encourages the release of blocked emotions and rejuvenates your chakra energy centers.
The Reiki practitioner will also incorporate the soothing tones of sound healing. Crystal singing bowls, Himalayan Bowls, chimes, and other sound instruments are used to create vibrations that resonate with your body's frequencies. Sound healing deepens relaxation, clears energetic blockages, and enhances the Reiki experience.
In addition to sound therapy, the Reiki therapist will select crystals based on your unique needs and strategically place them on and around your energy centers to amplify the healing process. Each crystal's unique properties contribute to restoring balance and removing energetic obstacles. As the crystals work in harmony with the Reiki energy, you'll likely feel a sense of clarity, peace, and overall well-being.
Expect to leave the session with a heightened sense of inner calm and a recharged energy. Many clients report improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and enhanced mental clarity following their Reiki experience at Divine Spark. The combined benefits of Reiki, sound healing, and crystal therapy offer a comprehensive journey toward holistic wellness, leaving you refreshed and aligned on all levels.
How is Divine Spark different than other Reiki practices?
Divine Spark also incorporates the use of natural crystals and sound healing in their practice. Crystals are hand selected and placed on the client's energy centers based on their specific needs. Crystal singing bowls and Himalayan bowls are used at the end of each session to soothe the system back into balance.
What should I wear to the Reiki session?
Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing and avoid heavy meals and caffeine prior to the session.
What will I experience? "I feel very refreshed and seem to be thinking more clearly." "I think I fell asleep." "I can't believe how hot your hands got!" "I feel more relaxed than even after a massage." "My headache is gone."
Clients often experience:
Heat or coolness coming form the practitioner's hands
Subtle pulsations where the practitioner's hands are placed or cascading waves throughout the body
A comforting and nurturing experience
Some people fall into a deep, sleep-like meditative state
The most common experience is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation
An interesting study reported that recipients frequently feel that they are hovering in a threshold state of consciousness, simultaneously aware of their surroundings and deeply relaxed.
Reiki is cumulative and even people who do not experience a deep release during the first session have progressively deeper experiences if they continue. Besides the immediate experience of Reiki, you may notice other changes that continue to unfold as the day goes on: perhaps stronger digestion, a sense of being more centered and poised and less reactive, and sleeping deeply that night.
What is Karuna Reiki? Learn more
What is Aura Balancing? Learn more
What are the benefits of learning Reiki? Learn more
What is Past Life Regression Therapy? Learn more
What is distance Reiki and how does it work? Learn more
​When will I see benefits from Reiki?
Many experience a deep sense of relaxation, peace and balance after the first session. However, Reiki is cumulative and even people who do not experience a deep release during the first session have progressively deeper experiences if they continue. Besides the immediate experience of Reiki, you may notice other changes that continue to unfold as the day goes on: perhaps stronger digestion, a sense of being more centered and poised and less reactive, and sleeping deeply that night.
What are some of the benefits of Reiki?
Reiki is very powerful in assisting with healing in the following areas:
Relaxation and stress relief
Pain relief and pain management
Finding peace and moving on from the past
Balancing mind, body & spirit
Balancing the chakras and aura
Removing spirit attachments, negative entities and negative psychic cords
Removing the memory of physical, mental and emotional trauma on a cellular level
Past life issues
Child abuse
Karmic issues
Unconscious patterns
Shadow self
Psychic and psychological attack
Develops good habits
Develops compassionate action
Clearing the mind
Creates determination and completion
Manifests material goals
Improves learning ability
Heals communication issues
Increases creativity
Claiming your power
Empowers your goals
Brings peace and creates trust in life
Relieves anxiety
Supports recovery from depression
Assists with balancing system when recovering from chemotherapy
Fear and panic
Manifests the best results
Increases clairvoyance
Manifests goals
Creates priorities

How often should I get Reiki?
The frequency of how often you should get a Reiki session really depends on your goals, the amount of past traumas, the severity of imbalances and blockages and how much inner work you have done or are doing. There are cumulative benefits when getting Reiki on a regular basis instead of a "one and done" philosophy. You will receive benefits after having one Reiki session. However, healing a life's worth of trauma in one session, isn't realistic. Here are some general guidelines:
Severe symptoms: You feel scattered, unbalanced, confused, depressed, overwhelmed or not like yourself: We recommend setting up a 90min Reiki with Aura Balancing for your first session. Then we recommend Reiki sessions once a week or once every two weeks until you have a 50% improvement in symptoms. Once you feel more stable, we recommend sessions every 2 to 3 weeks until a 50% further improvement. Then move to once a month for maintenance.
Moderate symptoms: You've done some inner work but still feel that you have some blockages, reoccurring cycles or patterns that you can't quite breakthrough. We recommend setting up Reiki session every 2 to 3 weeks until there is a 50% improvement and then moving to a once a month maintenance schedule.
General balancing & Spiritual development: You've done a lot of inner work. You seek a deeper connection to your intuition or higher self. You're ready to get deeper with your spiritual practice. We recommend once a month sessions or you can check out our Reiki with intuitive coaching for a deeper dive into your spiritual journey.
How Reiki Saved My Life
There I was 20 years into my corporate career as a Learning and Development professional. Boy was I climbing that corporate ladder. I was working 65-hrs or more a week and making every effort to" knock it out of the park." I was taking an ADD medication to help me wake up and focus, a medication to help me calm down and an antidepressant. Folks, I do not have ADD. Taking ADD medication was a way of leveling up my performance. The reason that I was "depressed" was because I was a corporate zombie; overworked, and overwhelmed. Now, I'm not saying taking medications is bad, I'm illustrating that what I was treating with medication was an imbalanced life. Not a chemical imbalance. I had lost my path. I was 90% coffee because drinking too much water meant I might have to go to the bathroom and miss an important meeting. I was a type A all the way.
All of the sudden and what felt like all at once, I lost myself. I had become someone that I barely recognized. The pressure and long hours of working had turned me into a person that even I didn't like. I remember that I was so burned out that my inner dialogue was cussing. Yes! Me! I was cussing people out in my head driving into work. I was muttering cuss words under my breath at my colleagues. I was so ANGRY and frustrated and didn't know how I had gotten there or how to get out.
Eventually, my body gave out. Through all of this stress and wear and tear, I became very sick in 2012 and had two back to back surgeries (2 weeks apart). First my gallbladder and then my appendix. I remember asking the doctor 'why are my organs shutting down? and what do I need to do to get back into balance?" The doctor responded "Eat soups and sandwiches and you will be okay." I was like "What?" At that moment, I understood that western medicine could only take me so far on my path to healing. I needed a holistic approach to treat my mind body and spirit. I began my search for anything that could help me.
Well, one day I was chatting with my esthetician and she recommended I try Reiki. She shared how it had helped her with anxiety. I thought well, I'll try anything. I remember going to my first Reiki session, not sure what to expect. The Reiki practitioner listened to me with compassion. She explained that I would be fully clothed on the massage table and that she would be placing hands above my body and directly on my body to encourage energy flow and relaxation.
At first, I was apprehensive, I went into the session with a healthy level of skepticism. Once she began working on me, I was very aware of my thoughts. There were so many! They were racing around, cuss words and all. As she continued, I realized that my thoughts had slowed down and felt almost non existent. The warmth from her hands was comforting and powerful. My muscles relaxed, my shoulders relaxed, my breathing slowed. I felt like I was floating.
After the session, the Reiki therapist asked me how I was feeling and I was like "Wow! I feel amazing!, transformed! I asked "when can I come back again?" I booked a session for the following week. I saw her once a week for the next few months. Yes! Once a week. Because, I was broke down, broke down. My coworkers began commenting on my appearance. "You're glowing!" They would say. "What is your secret?" Unbeknownst to them, I was getting Reiki. That was my secret.
So yeah, It helped me relax and I as glowing but that's not all. Internally the racing thoughts slowed down. I began to gravitate towards activities that were healthier for me. Instead of getting 3 or 4 martinis to relax, I was incorporating yoga, mediation and green drinks. I would take 5 min breaks at work to meditate in a corner office. I had a calmness and discernment, a strength and a steadiness coursing through me. I was beginning to understand what balance felt like.
Well, as you all know that is just the beginning of my story because here I am now as a Reiki Master. Stay tuned to hear the rest of the story.
What is distance Reiki and how does it work? Learn more
Reiki Study:
Benefits for Cancer patients receiving Chemotherapy
Reiki is a complementary health approach in which practitioners place their hands lightly on or just above a person to promote a sense of well-being. It was founded by the Japanese Buddhist and spiritual teacher Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and brought to the United States in the 1930s, where it has become increasingly popular.
Can Reiki be beneficial for those undergoing Cancer treatment?
Study Findings
Reiki has been investigated for its effects on cancer symptoms such as anxiety and pain as well as its impact on quality of life and well-being. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 110 pre-surgical patients with breast cancer found reduced anxiety and mood improvement in the Reiki treatment group. In another study of 24 participants randomized to receive a standard opioid plus Reiki or a standard opioid plus rest, the Reiki group reported significant reduction in pain but no significant reduced opioid use. Furthermore, researchers from a prospective crossover trial of 16 patients with cancer-related fatigue randomized to Reiki or resting control reported reductions in pain, fatigue, and anxiety and improved quality of life in the Reiki group compared to the control group.
Interestingly, in a double-blind RCT, both Reiki and placebo Reiki were statistically significant in increasing post-therapy comfort and well-being compared to standard care in outpatients at a chemotherapy center. Also, researchers conducting a feasibility study reported that compared to usual care, Reiki or companion care led to greater improvements in quality of life and mood in patients with breast cancer. However, a pilot RCT of 54 men undergoing radiation therapy for prostate cancer randomized to Reiki, relaxation response therapy, or wait list control did not identify statistically significant improvements in anxiety or depression.
The mechanisms of action underlying Reiki’s benefits have not been elucidated, but researchers have attributed them to a relaxation response.
Use in Clinical Practice
Because Reiki does not require equipment and can be done at the bedside or during chemotherapy, it may be easily integrated into the oncology setting. Observational studies have evaluated such integration: In 118 patients undergoing chemotherapy, the 22 patients who received four Reiki sessions had significant reductions in anxiety and pain. As well, results of a mixed methods study of pre-/post-surveys evaluating first-time Reiki sessions in 213 patients with cancer indicated that self-reported distress, anxiety, depression, pain, and fatigue each decreased by more than 50%. However, data from larger, well-powered and -designed studies are needed to establish Reiki’s effectiveness for clinical recommendation.
What is Karuna Reiki? Learn more
What is Aura Balancing? Learn more
What are the benefits of learning Reiki? Learn more
What is Past Life Regression Therapy? Learn more
What is distance Reiki and how does it work? Learn more